Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Carl Jung

Analytical psychology (or Jungian psychology) is the school of psychology originating from the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, and then advanced by his students and other thinkers who followed in his tradition. It is distinct from Freudian psychoanalysis but also has a number of similarities. Its aim is the apprehension and integration of the deep forces and motivations underlying human behavior by the practice of an accumulative phenomenology around the significance of dreams, folklore and mythology. Depth psychology and archetypal psychology are related in that they both employ the model of the unconscious mind as the source of healing and development in the individual
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, August 29, 2008
Parent Support Group
Thursday, August 28, 2008
It is the goal of the Christian therapist to help the counselee to discover what is God's will for his or her life (1 Corinthians 4:5). These processes are done to help formulate the context in which the counselee views the world and would live his or her life.
The counselee will be able to utilize God's word to address components of the personality that may hinder progress towards achieving God's plan for his or her life. The Christian counselor realizes that it is not the counselor who is to direct the session but the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, to answer the fundamental question, "what is Christian counseling?" It is providing assistance to one who is experiencing emotional difficult caused by a life dominating pattern of sin, through the use of biblical principal under the direction and authority of the Holy Spirit. Remember it is God's word that contains the counsel to overcome